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PARC offers three levels of annual sponsorship. Interested in supporting PARC? Click on Sponsorship Application to purchase a sponsorship level or Contact the PARC Sponsorship Committee - 

Liberty Diamond Annual Sponsorship $2500

Marketing, Branding & Promo

·       One profile on LinkedIn with 30 second video clip including an introduction from one of PARC’s corporate Board members.
·       Monthly LinkedIn promotion/recognition (themed accordingly)
·       Branding opportunities on Summit swag and promotional gear.
·       Summit signage, banners, PowerPoints, and logo on Summit social media flyers, ads, and programs.
·       Logo on website and digital Summit communications.
·       Provide each participant with your company’s marketing pieces for distribution at each Summit.
·       Diamond Sponsor ribbon on Summit badge.
·       Inclusion in the website Resource Directory: logo, contact information, and brief description.

VIP Treatment

·       Exclusive Pre-Summit opportunities.
·       Sponsor representative on the event planning committee.
·       “Thank you” from Summit speakers during opening and closing ceremonies.
·       2 minute or under “commercial or promo”. Highlighting sponsor’s mission/goals as well as service offerings and how the services are integrated into the entire relocation. To be played at Corp Roundtable and breaks during Summits.
·       One Free Guest Admission to each Summit.
·       Summit Reserved seating.
·       Event Speaker Opportunities.

Freedom Platinum Annual Sponsorship $1750

·       LinkedIn Promotion posts prior to Summit events
·       Provide each participant with your company’s marketing pieces for distribution at each Summit.
·       Company references at each Summit.
·       Platinum Sponsor ribbon on Summit badge.
·       Inclusion in the website Resource Directory: logo, contact information, and brief description.
·       Summit PowerPoint Slide – logo displayed.
·       Signage and verbal recognition at the Summit.

Independence Gold Annual Sponsorship $1000

·       LinkedIn Promotion posts prior to Summit events
·       Gold Sponsor ribbon on Summit badge.
·       Inclusion in the website Resource Directory: logo, contact information, and brief description.
·       Summit PowerPoint Slide – logo displayed.
·       Signage and verbal recognition at the Summit.

Philadelphia Area Relocation Council

PO Box 187, Montgomeryville, PA  18936|     Email:    |    

Phone #  215-872-8071

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